четверг, 27 апреля 2017 г.

Romuald Tumash

Review article - 5 reasons to change iPhone to Samsung (5 argumentów za wymianą iPhone’a na Samsunga)

The article gives five reasons why it is beneficial for the reader to change his IPhone brand phone to a Samsung phone. The first reason is a longer battery life time. The built-in battery in the IPhone does not have good performance. Even the recently introduced new type of "Energy Saving" did not help significantly increase battery life. Charge the battery as quickly with Samsung. The battery is fully charged in just 80 minutes.

The second reason is the screen. Though both companies provide phones with screens with excellent resolution, screen Samsung is based on technology Super AMOLED which allows the picture to be more saturated. This gives you the opportunity to get more saturated photos unlike IPhone which uses IPS technology.

The next reason lies in the phone system. The author of the article claims that although IOS9 is a good system, fast and convenient, but because of the rapid development of Samsung, the Apple system starts to lag behind in terms of new features and functions. A separate advantage of Samsung is many Windows.

Both companies support the use of two programs that occupy one screen resolution at the same time, but Samsung has started to provide this opportunity much earlier. Also such function in IOS9 is available only in versions for IPAD.

The fourth reason according to the author is the universality and open policy of Samsung.
Unlike the IPhone, which prohibits downloading files via the Internet and makes it difficult to transfer them from the computer, Samsung is loyal to the free exchange of files. To transfer files to your phone, you do not need special software. You can exchange files between Android phones using the Bluetooth function.

The last reason is new equipment. Many users believe that the IPhone dictates fashion to new applications and new equipment. In fact, Samsung is ahead of them in this. In the standard version of the Samsung phone, the memory card is twice as large as in the standard version of the iPhone. Samsung provides 10 times more space on the Dropbox. The price of almost every Samsung phone from the Galaxy S6 series is cheaper than the price of its main competitor.

In my opinion, this is a very useful article for almost everyone who has an IPhone or any phone with an Android system. This article helps to understand what one brand of phone differs from the other. The article consists of the points (reasons), which makes it more readable. Also, I liked that the article contains images and graphics that make the text of the article even more interesting.

But apart from all this, I noticed the advertising style of this article. In some sections of the text, the author purposefully ignored all the pluses of the IPhone which he himself enumerated. Perhaps after reading this article there will be an opinion that the author is not neutral, but this will not prevent the reader from receiving new and interesting information and will also decide on the choice of phone.
I recommend to read.

Link to the article: http://www.gsmmaniak.pl/480666/samsung-czy-iphone/

понедельник, 3 апреля 2017 г.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;
 class Student {
        string nazwisko;
        int wiek;
        bool czy_styp;
        Student(){ //konstruktor -deklaracja+ definicja
          cout << "tu zadzia³al konstruktor bezparametrowy"<<endl;
        Student(string xnazwisko,int xwiek,bool xczy_styp){ //konstruktor -deklaracja+ definicja
        cout << "tu zadzia³al konstruktor parametrowy 3"<<endl;
        Student(string xnazwisko,int xwiek){ //konstruktor -deklaracja+ definicja
         cout << "tu zadzia³al konstruktor parametrowy 2"<<endl;
                   cout << "tu zadzia³al destruktor"<<endl;}; //destruktor - deklaracja      
        string getnazwisko(){return nazwisko;}; 
        void setnazwisko(string xnazwisko){nazwisko=xnazwisko;};    
        int getwiek(){return wiek;}; 
        void setwiek(int xwiek){wiek=xwiek;}; 
        bool getczy_styp(){return czy_styp;}; 
        void setczy_styp(bool xczy_styp){czy_styp=xczy_styp;}; 
        void  wyswietl(){
              cout << nazwisko<<endl;
              cout << wiek << endl;
              cout << czy_styp << endl;
              };// wyswietl
        bool ustal_czy_styp(int kwota){
             if (kwota==0) {return false;}
             else {return true;}
             }; //  ustal_czy_styp  
       }; //Student

int main() {
/*  int i;
  cout << i<< endl;
   cout << "Po wstawieniu wartoœci: " << i<< endl;
  int *wsk_j;
   cout << "W zmiennej wsk_j na stosie jest: " << wsk_j<< endl;
   wsk_j= new int; 
    cout << "W zmiennej wsk_j na stosie jest: " << wsk_j<< endl;
     cout << "W zmiennej *wsk_j na stercie jest: " << *wsk_j<< endl;
      cout << "W zmiennej *wsk_j na stercie po wstawieniu jest: " << *wsk_j<< endl;

Student *Nowy = new Student;
Student *Nowszy= new Student("Nowszy",40);
delete Nowy;
delete Nowszy;
/*    Student S; 
  Student S1("Zaleska",22);
  Student S2("Zaleska",22,false);
 cout << S.nazwisko << endl;
  cout << S.wiek << endl;
  cout << S.czy_styp << endl;

  cout << "Po podstawieniu danych:" << endl;
   cout << S.getnazwisko() << endl;
  cout << S.getwiek() << endl;
  cout << S.getczy_styp() << endl;

/*  cout << "Obiekt na stercie: "<<endl;
  Student *SSt;
  cout << SSt << endl;
  SSt=new Student;
  cout << " Po new SSt:" << SSt << endl;
  cout << " Po new (*SSt).nazwisko:" << SSt->nazwisko << endl;
  cout << " Po new (*SSt).wiek:" << SSt->wiek << endl;
   cout << " Po new (*SSt).czy_styp:" << SSt->czy_styp << endl;
   cout << " Po new SSt po wstawieniu:" << SSt << endl;
  cout << " Po new (*SSt).nazwisko:" << SSt->nazwisko << endl;
  cout << " Po new (*SSt).wiek:" << SSt->wiek << endl;
   cout << " Po new (*SSt).czy_styp:" << SSt->czy_styp << endl;
return 0;