четверг, 28 июня 2018 г.


1.Na czym polega przetwarzanie wsadowe (batch processing)?
b)Wykonywaniu zadan stojacych w kolejce, jedno po drugim
2.Co to jest system operacyjny z podzialem czasu?
c)System operacyjny przydzielajacy zasoby: processor, pamiec, urzadzenia O/O, na ustalony krotki czas, zadaniom...
3.Jaka to data Unix epocz date?
a)1970-01-01 00:00:00
4.Jaki  jezyk programowania, jaki kompilator, jest standartowy dla unixa?
c) C
5.Co oznacza wielodostepnosc systemu operacyjnego?
b) moze go uzywac wiele uzytkownikow, lokalnie i zdalnie
6.Jaka wlasnosc najlepiej opisuje hierarchiczny system plikow?
a)System z katalogami i zagniezdzonymi w nim podkatalogami, tworzacymi str. drzewiasta
1.Jak zapisac liste plikow z bierzacego katalogu w pliku /tap/z1?
b) ls -1 >/tmp/z1
2.Jak do pliku /tmp/z2 dopisac aktua. date nie kasujac jego zawar.?
b) date >> /tmp/z2
3.Jak skopiowac wszystkie pliki o nazwie doc-x.txt, gdzie X to cyfra 0-9 z kat. /tmp/z3/src do /tmp/z3/dat
c) cat /tmp/z3/src/doc-[0-9].txt /tmp/z3/dat
4.Jak sprawdziec ile linii kodu zawieraja pliki *.c w kat. /tmp/z4
b) cat /tmp/z4/*.c wc -1
5.Co wypisze w szelu nast polecenie: X=1+1; echo $X?
a) 1+1
6. Zmienna shelowa N ma war. 0. Jak ja zwiekszyc o jeden?
b) N='expr $N + 1'
1. Jak z kat. /home/student/test usunac wszystko co sie tam znajduje?
b) rm -r /home/student/test/*
2.Jak zmienic wlasciciela pliku /home/student/nic na root?
c) chown root /home/student/nic
3.Jak ustawic uprawnienia do skryptu /opt/bin/test.sh, tak aby:wlasc. mial pewne prawa, grupa mogla go tylko odcz. i ur. a poz. nie mieli zadnych praw
b)chmod u+rwx, g=rx,o=- /opt/bin/test.sh
4.Jak dodac mozliwosc zapisu grupie do wsz. plikow w kat. /home/student/cat w jego wsz. podkat. i jego samego
c)chmod -R g+w /home/student/kat
5.Jak utworzyc dowiazanie symboliczne (soft link, symb. link) /opt/bin/ programu /usr/bin/nano?
a)ln -s /usr/bin/nano /opt/bin/pico
6.Co toznaczy ze plik /etc/rc2.d/S50apache jest twardym linkiem /etc/init.d/apacha?
b)Sa to rozne nazwy plikow przypisane do tego samego numeru inode
1.Zaleta RAID 0 (striping) jest:
a)wzrost wydajnosci przy zapisie i odczycie dzieki rozlozeniu I/O na kilka nosnikow
2.Przy zastosowaniu RAID 0:
b)wystarczy ze jeden z nosnikow ulegnie awarii i nastepuje utrata danych
3.Przy zastosowanie RAID 1 (mirror):
b)nie tracimy danych jesli choc jeden nosnik nie ulegnie awarii
4.Wada RAID 1 jest:
a)Spadek wydajnosci przy zapisie z uwagi na koniecznosc zapisu kilku nosnikow jednoczesnie
5.Dziura podczas zapisu (write hole)
c)nie dotyczy systemow wykorz. mechanizm copy-on-write np. ZFS
6.Odpornosc na awarie jednego nosnika gwarantuje:
a)RAID 5 dzieki parzystosci rozlozonej rownomiernie na wszystkie nosniki
1.Do ktorego napisu pasuje wyrazenie reg. [0-9]\.png
2.Ktore wyrazenie regul. pasuje do pustej linii w pliku?
3.Do ktorego napisu nie pasuje wyr. regul. [0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}
4.Ktore wyr. reg. pasuje do dowolnej daty w formacie 2018-05-10
5.Do ktorego napisu nie pasuje wyr. regul. [-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+
6.Ktore wyr. reg. nie pasuje do naste. naz plikow:
1.W katalogu /backup mamy dzrzewo plikow i katalogow. Jak zapisac w pliku /tmp/x zwyklych plikow z tego drzewa, ktore zostaly zmod. ponad 10 dni temu, maja. roz. tbz i p. d. rw-r--r--?
c) find /backup -type f -mtime +10 -name "*.tbz" -perm 0644 > /tmp/x
2.jak zobaczyc dane ostatnio zmod. pliku w kat. /var/log?
b) ls -ltrh /var/log | tail-1
3.Jak policzyc ile jest wierszy w pliku /var/adm/messages zawierajacych napis Sun0?
a) grep SunOS /var/adm/messages | wc -1
4.W biezacym kat. znalesc wszystkie pliki .php zawier. odw. plikow Javascript, ktorych nazwy zaw. tylko male litery i cyfry oraz koncz. na .js?
b)find . -type f -name "*.php" -exec egrep -1 "[a-z0-9]+\.js[]^a-z0-9" {} \;
5.w pliku tmp/index.php zamienic wszystkie wyst. obrazek.gif na obrazek.png
c)sed  s/obrazek.gif/obrazek.png/g /tmp/index.php > /tmp/x cp/tmox /tmo/index.php
6.Ktora instrukcja zmieni nazwy plikom znajduj. sie w biez. kat. tak aby zamiast .jpeg na koncu bylo .jpg?
c) for f in *.jpeg; do wv $f 'echo $f | sed s/\.jpeg$/.jpg'; done
1.Ktore polec wypisze plik /etc/nsswitch.conf bez komentrarzy (lin. zacz. sie od znaku #) i pustych lini.?
b)sed -e '/^#/ d' -e '/^$/ d' /etc/nasswitch.conf
2. Do skryptu przekazono argumenty 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0. Co wypisza intrukcje TEN-$10; echo $TEN
b) 10
3.Co wypisze skrypt for x do echo $1; shift; done; echo $# gdy ur. go z op. *?
c) w kolejnych wierszach wyp. nazwy plikow z biez. kat. nastepnie 0
4.Ktore polec. wypisze UID uzytkownikow , ktorych nazwy zacz. na a lb r?
b) awk -F: '/^[a,r]/ {print $3}' /etc/passwd
5.Ktory skrypt sh wypisze kolejno wszystkie przeka. do niego argum.?
b) while [ 0 -lt $# ]; do echo $1; shift; done
6.Ktora instukcja skryptu sh uruch. prog. ter, gdy podano dokl. 2 arg. przy wyw. tego skryptu?
a) if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then tar cf $1.tar $2; fi


1.Na czym polega przetwarzanie wsadowe (batch processing)?
b)Wykonywaniu zadan stojacych w kolejce, jedno po drugim

2.Co to jest system operacyjny z podzialem czasu?
c)System operacyjny przydzielajacy zasoby: processor, pamiec, urzadzenia O/O, na ustalony krotki czas, zadaniom...

3.Jaka to data Unix epocz date?
a)1970-01-01 00:00:00

4.Jaki  jezyk programowania, jaki kompilator, jest standartowy dla unixa?
c) C

5.Co oznacza wielodostepnosc systemu operacyjnego?
b) moze go uzywac wiele uzytkownikow, lokalnie i zdalnie

6.Jaka wlasnosc najlepiej opisuje hierarchiczny system plikow?
a)System z katalogami i zagniezdzonymi w nim podkatalogami, tworzacymi str. drzewiasta

1.Jak zapisac liste plikow z bierzacego katalogu w pliku /tap/z1?
b) ls -1 >/tmp/z1

2.Jak do pliku /tmp/z2 dopisac aktua. date nie kasujac jego zawar.?
b) date >> /tmp/z2

3.Jak skopiowac wszystkie pliki o nazwie doc-x.txt, gdzie X to cyfra 0-9 z kat. /tmp/z3/src do /tmp/z3/dat
c) cat /tmp/z3/src/doc-[0-9].txt /tmp/z3/dat

4.Jak sprawdziec ile linii kodu zawieraja pliki *.c w kat. /tmp/z4
b) cat /tmp/z4/*.c wc -1

5.Co wypisze w szelu nast polecenie: X=1+1; echo $X?
a) 1+1

6. Zmienna shelowa N ma war. 0. Jak ja zwiekszyc o jeden?
b) N='expr $N + 1'

1. Jak z kat. /home/student/test usunac wszystko co sie tam znajduje?
b) rm -r /home/student/test/*

2.Jak zmienic wlasciciela pliku /home/student/nic na root?
c) chown root /home/student/nic

3.Jak ustawic uprawnienia do skryptu /opt/bin/test.sh, tak aby:wlasc. mial pewne prawa, grupa mogla go tylko odcz. i ur. a poz. nie mieli zadnych praw
b)chmod u+rwx, g=rx,o=- /opt/bin/test.sh

4.Jak dodac mozliwosc zapisu grupie do wsz. plikow w kat. /home/student/cat w jego wsz. podkat. i jego samego
c)chmod -R g+w /home/student/kat

5.Jak utworzyc dowiazanie symboliczne (soft link, symb. link) /opt/bin/ programu /usr/bin/nano?
a)ln -s /usr/bin/nano /opt/bin/pico

6.Co toznaczy ze plik /etc/rc2.d/S50apache jest twardym linkiem /etc/init.d/apacha?
b)Sa to rozne nazwy plikow przypisane do tego samego numeru inode

1.Zaleta RAID 0 (striping) jest:
a)wzrost wydajnosci przy zapisie i odczycie dzieki rozlozeniu I/O na kilka nosnikow

2.Przy zastosowaniu RAID 0:
b)wystarczy ze jeden z nosnikow ulegnie awarii i nastepuje utrata danych

3.Przy zastosowanie RAID 1 (mirror):
b)nie tracimy danych jesli choc jeden nosnik nie ulegnie awarii

4.Wada RAID 1 jest:
a)Spadek wydajnosci przy zapisie z uwagi na koniecznosc zapisu kilku nosnikow jednoczesnie

5.Dziura podczas zapisu (write hole)
c)nie dotyczy systemow wykorz. mechanizm copy-on-write np. ZFS

6.Odpornosc na awarie jednego nosnika gwarantuje:
a)RAID 5 dzieki parzystosci rozlozonej rownomiernie na wszystkie nosniki

1.Do ktorego napisu pasuje wyrazenie reg. [0-9]\.png

2.Ktore wyrazenie regul. pasuje do pustej linii w pliku?

3.Do ktorego napisu nie pasuje wyr. regul. [0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}

4.Ktore wyr. reg. pasuje do dowolnej daty w formacie 2018-05-10

5.Do ktorego napisu nie pasuje wyr. regul. [-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+

6.Ktore wyr. reg. nie pasuje do naste. naz plikow:

1.W katalogu /backup mamy dzrzewo plikow i katalogow. Jak zapisac w pliku /tmp/x zwyklych plikow z tego drzewa, ktore zostaly zmod. ponad 10 dni temu, maja. roz. tbz i p. d. rw-r--r--?
c) find /backup -type f -mtime +10 -name "*.tbz" -perm 0644 > /tmp/x

2.jak zobaczyc dane ostatnio zmod. pliku w kat. /var/log?
b) ls -ltrh /var/log | tail-1

3.Jak policzyc ile jest wierszy w pliku /var/adm/messages zawierajacych napis Sun0?
a) grep SunOS /var/adm/messages | wc -1

4.W biezacym kat. znalesc wszystkie pliki .php zawier. odw. plikow Javascript, ktorych nazwy zaw. tylko male litery i cyfry oraz koncz. na .js?
b)find . -type f -name "*.php" -exec egrep -1 "[a-z0-9]+\.js[]^a-z0-9" {} \;

5.w pliku tmp/index.php zamienic wszystkie wyst. obrazek.gif na obrazek.png
c)sed  s/obrazek.gif/obrazek.png/g /tmp/index.php > /tmp/x cp/tmox /tmo/index.php

6.Ktora instrukcja zmieni nazwy plikom znajduj. sie w biez. kat. tak aby zamiast .jpeg na koncu bylo .jpg?
c) for f in *.jpeg; do wv $f 'echo $f | sed s/\.jpeg$/.jpg'; done

1.Ktore polec wypisze plik /etc/nsswitch.conf bez komentrarzy (lin. zacz. sie od znaku #) i pustych lini.?
b)sed -e '/^#/ d' -e '/^$/ d' /etc/nasswitch.conf

2. Do skryptu przekazono argumenty 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0. Co wypisza intrukcje TEN-$10; echo $TEN
b) 10

3.Co wypisze skrypt for x do echo $1; shift; done; echo $# gdy ur. go z op. *?
c) w kolejnych wierszach wyp. nazwy plikow z biez. kat. nastepnie 0

4.Ktore polec. wypisze UID uzytkownikow , ktorych nazwy zacz. na a lb r?
b) awk -F: '/^[a,r]/ {print $3}' /etc/passwd

5.Ktory skrypt sh wypisze kolejno wszystkie przeka. do niego argum.?
b) while [ 0 -lt $# ]; do echo $1; shift; done

6.Ktora instukcja skryptu sh uruch. prog. ter, gdy podano dokl. 2 arg. przy wyw. tego skryptu?
a) if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then tar cf $1.tar $2; fi

вторник, 26 июня 2018 г.


The Internet

The Internet is a worldwide system of integrated computer networks for storing and transmitting information. It is generally believed that the Internet appeared around the 1970s. But the real Internet that could be used appeared in 1990. Since then it has evolved. In 2005, it was so popular that it was hard to imagine life without the Internet.

The Internet is a virtual reality. Due to the fact that you can communicate, work and order food on the Internet, some people stop leaving the house, children too. This is becoming a global problem these days. Despite this, the Internet is a useful thing. On the Internet you can find almost any information. You can stay informed about the news. You can exchange movies, music and other files at any distance. You can communicate through the video (skype) from anywhere in the world.

Of the minuses, I can say that the Internet is a lot of porn. Therefore, the Internet is not recommended for small children. There is a lot of bad information, for example about suicide.
I like the Internet and I'm happy that he is. I use it every day for different purposes.


I want to talk about ways to communicate using a computer and the Internet.
You can communicate without using the Internet. For example, using a local home network. You can exchange data between computers.

However, using the Internet for communication is much more convenient. There are several types of communication. Text, visual and sound. Also, communication through the exchange of files. Communication with text we use almost every day. E-mail for example. Forums, blogs, messages in social networks and etsetera. You can communicate and see each other using the camera. For example, using Skype and different video chats. Also using YouTube broadcasts. You can talk to people through the microphone. This is communication using sound. In our time, communication on the Internet is very popular. Therefore, social networks and dating sites are popular.

Communication via the Internet is not always safe. Often, the user does not know who he is communicating with, even if someone from his acquaintances writes to him. The account can always be hacked. I use skype and social network every day. With the help of the Internet communicate is much more convenient.

Future of IT

Information technology in our time is used increasingly. It's hard to imagine a life without a computer and the Internet. IT is popular not only in business. In medicine, information technology is actively used for the study of the human body and for other medical purposes.

In the future, IT will play an even more important role. I somewhere read that in the future, all people will have chips embedded in the hand. It will be similar to the Apple Vach. Chips will contain all the information about a person. The chip will have a watch, internet, phone. It's convenient, but this prospect scares me.

I dont want people to become robots. Information technology was used everywhere. I dont want people to immerse themselves in virtual reality. Despite the fact that IT makes life much easier. I'm not the smartest programmer, but I already realized that you can write a lot with the help of code, you can solve many problems. I'm against IT completely capturing the world. I dont want to be a robot.

Time Management

Time management is an important concept.
People constantly do not have time, although most of their time goes to waste. Because people do not know how to use it correctly. In order to start using time effectively, you need to understand what you want to get today. What do you want to achieve today.

Starting a new day or a new week, it will be useful to make a list of the cases that need to be done. And keep this list. Due to this, you will avoid unnecessary cases. You dont waste time in the empty. It is advisable to paint (add) time in this job list. You can use the calendar in the IPhone.Or use reminders to remember important things.You need to appreciate your time and do not waste it. There is not much time.But dont forget that all this is useless if you dont kill laziness.

I have not yet learned to manage my time. I'm tempted by temptations. I like to sleep, watch TV or just waste time in an empty. Perhaps I have not yet realized the value of life. I can not achieve my goals because of this. But it's never too late to understand and appreciate the time.

Good Website

To create a good site, you need to know a few important rules.

The site should be pleasant to look at. It should not irritate eyes. It should not be created in (used) one color. The site must quickly load. A good menu and links on all pages of the site for a quick transition - its a great option.

The font must be medium. With good headlines. If the site has articles, they should be with pictures. Dont need to post a lot of video on the site, they make the site slow. If you want your site to be on high positions in Google search, the site code must be written correctly. You need to remove all unnecessary code. The site will be popular if you create pages in social networks about your site.

A good site can only contain good information. Otherwise it will be a bad site. Publish on the site information that hasnt been published anywhere before. Try to make your site interesting and useful.
I have a website about basketball. I think its good website. Because I respected all these rules when I created it.

Recent developments in IT

I'm rarely interested in new inventions, but recently I read an amusing article. About drones.

These are small helicopters with a built-in camera. They are controlled by the remote control. Work remotely on batteries. Such a mini helicopter operates at a distance of up to 500 meters. The battery lasts up to one hour. It depends on the model.

Such a drone can easily be controlled with a joystick. To see what the drone sees is possible with the help of special glasses, which is included.

The most interesting thing is the camera. Video can be recorded. Video quality can achieve HD quality.

With the help of this drone you can not only have fun, but also monitor people. You can inspect closed areas, you can shoot video where it is prohibited. If you buy an expensive drone, it will be almost silent.

With the help of such drone, you can see nature from unattainable foreshortenings. It's incredible. Good drones are expensive. I have not had one yet. But the article convinced me that I really want to have such drone.

понедельник, 25 июня 2018 г.

computer users

Anyone who at least sometimes uses the computer and its capabilities is a computer user. Even the grandmother who uses only Skype. There are a lot of users and their number only increases. I think in 20-30 years on earth there will be no people who do not use a computer.All users are different, there are advanced, there are those who think weakly.

More often than not, people use computers for work, study or entertainment. Someone earns money by writing programs. Someone creates documents in the Word, someone uses Excel. Each student uses a computer. On the computer you can play different games, including logical ones that develop thinking. You can watch movies, listen to music and share files.

I have been a computer user for at least 12 years.I'm quite an advanced user.


Peripheral devices are any additional and auxiliary devices that connect to a PC to expand its functionality. They serve to exchange information. Peripheral devices are not required to operate the system and can be disconnected from the computer.

These include: disk drives, USB drives. Devices of data input-output: keyboard, mouse and others manipulators, scanners, printers, audio speakers, microphone. Also, communication devices: modems, fax modems and any others.They are not mandatory, but about 98% of users use them.

I use most of these peripherals. In recent years, new, unreal arrangements have appeared. For example, Virtual Reality Headsets or Virtual Reality Glasses. They are often created for gamers to play games was more interesting. But they are expensive and I did not have the opportunity to try them.

The Internet

The Internet is a worldwide system of integrated computer networks for storing and transmitting information. It is generally believed that the Internet appeared around the 1970s. But the real Internet that could be used appeared in 1990. Since then it has evolved. In 2005, it was so popular that it was hard to imagine life without the Internet.

The Internet is a virtual reality. Due to the fact that you can communicate, work and order food on the Internet, some people stop leaving the house, children too. This is becoming a global problem these days. Despite this, the Internet is a useful thing. On the Internet you can find almost any information. You can stay informed about the news. You can exchange movies, music and other files at any distance. You can communicate through the video (skype) from anywhere in the world.

Of the minuses, I can say that the Internet is a lot of porn. Therefore, the Internet is not recommended for small children. There is a lot of bad information, for example about suicide.
I like the Internet and I'm happy that he is. I use it every day for different purposes.


I want to talk about ways to communicate using a computer and the Internet.
You can communicate without using the Internet. For example, using a local home network. You can exchange data between computers.

However, using the Internet for communication is much more convenient. There are several types of communication. Text, visual and sound. Also, communication through the exchange of files. Communication with text we use almost every day. E-mail for example. Forums, blogs, messages in social networks and etsetera. You can communicate and see each other using the camera. For example, using Skype and different video chats. Also using YouTube broadcasts. You can talk to people through the microphone. This is communication using sound. In our time, communication on the Internet is very popular. Therefore, social networks and dating sites are popular.

Communication via the Internet is not always safe. Often, the user does not know who he is communicating with, even if someone from his acquaintances writes to him. The account can always be hacked. I use skype and social network every day. With the help of the Internet communicate is much more convenient.

Future of IT

Information technology in our time is used increasingly. It's hard to imagine a life without a computer and the Internet. IT is popular not only in business. In medicine, information technology is actively used for the study of the human body and for other medical purposes.

In the future, IT will play an even more important role. I somewhere read that in the future, all people will have chips embedded in the hand. It will be similar to the Apple Vach. Chips will contain all the information about a person. The chip will have a watch, internet, phone. It's convenient, but this prospect scares me.

I dont want people to become robots. Information technology was used everywhere. I dont want people to immerse themselves in virtual reality. Despite the fact that IT makes life much easier. I'm not the smartest programmer, but I already realized that you can write a lot with the help of code, you can solve many problems. I'm against IT completely capturing the world. I dont want to be a robot.

Time Management

Time management is an important concept.
People constantly do not have time, although most of their time goes to waste. Because people do not know how to use it correctly. In order to start using time effectively, you need to understand what you want to get today. What do you want to achieve today.

Starting a new day or a new week, it will be useful to make a list of the cases that need to be done. And keep this list. Due to this, you will avoid unnecessary cases. You dont waste time in the empty. It is advisable to paint (add) time in this job list. You can use the calendar in the IPhone.Or use reminders to remember important things.You need to appreciate your time and do not waste it. There is not much time.But dont forget that all this is useless if you dont kill laziness.

I have not yet learned to manage my time. I'm tempted by temptations. I like to sleep, watch TV or just waste time in an empty. Perhaps I have not yet realized the value of life. I can not achieve my goals because of this. But it's never too late to understand and appreciate the time.

Good Website

To create a good site, you need to know a few important rules.

The site should be pleasant to look at. It should not irritate eyes. It should not be created in (used) one color. The site must quickly load. A good menu and links on all pages of the site for a quick transition - its a great option.

The font must be medium. With good headlines. If the site has articles, they should be with pictures. Dont need to post a lot of video on the site, they make the site slow. If you want your site to be on high positions in Google search, the site code must be written correctly. You need to remove all unnecessary code. The site will be popular if you create pages in social networks about your site.

A good site can only contain good information. Otherwise it will be a bad site. Publish on the site information that hasnt been published anywhere before. Try to make your site interesting and useful.
I have a website about basketball. I think its good website. Because I respected all these rules when I created it.

Recent developments in IT

I'm rarely interested in new inventions, but recently I read an amusing article. About drones.

These are small helicopters with a built-in camera. They are controlled by the remote control. Work remotely on batteries. Such a mini helicopter operates at a distance of up to 500 meters. The battery lasts up to one hour. It depends on the model.

Such a drone can easily be controlled with a joystick. To see what the drone sees is possible with the help of special glasses, which is included.

The most interesting thing is the camera. Video can be recorded. Video quality can achieve HD quality.

With the help of this drone you can not only have fun, but also monitor people. You can inspect closed areas, you can shoot video where it is prohibited. If you buy an expensive drone, it will be almost silent.

With the help of such drone, you can see nature from unattainable foreshortenings. It's incredible. Good drones are expensive. I have not had one yet. But the article convinced me that I really want to have such drone.

вторник, 12 июня 2018 г.

Первый слайд
Good afternoon,
In my presentation, I would like to speak about very succesful company – about Paypal.

Второй слайд (history)
The history of the company originates in 1999 (nineteen ninety nine). Then there was a merger of the two companies. The first company was created by Ilon Mask. It was called Xcom. The original idea was to create a single Internet site that would provide services for transferring money through (фрию) (via) the Internet.
The second team was a tandem of  Max Levchin from Kiev, a specialist in cryptography and programming and Peter Thiel, a rather (радэр) talented financier. They created company Confinity, in which the PayPal payment system was developed. The original system of money transfers was seriously different from the current one. But still the fundamental principles were developed precisely (пресайсли) in that period (пириод).

Третий слайд
In the photo you can see on the left Peter Thiel and on the right Ilon Mask.

Четвертый слайд (What is a Paypal?)
PayPal Holdings is an American company operating a worldwide online payments system that supports online money transfers and serves as an electronic alternative to traditional paper methods like checks and money orders. The company operates as a payment processor for online vendors, auction sites, and other commercial users, for which it charges (чарджис) a small fee in exchange for benefits such as one-click transactions and password memory.

In short, this is an account on the Internet, through (фрию) which you can quickly send money to other users and pay for purchases (пурчесис) in online stores. This is the main purpose of Paypal.
An account in PayPal can be in several currencies. You can bind (баинд)  your bank account to the Paypal account and quickly send money. You can create a mastercard Paypal card and pay with it in real life. For example in shops or restaurants.

Why do you need Paypal?
Using Paypal freelancers receive (ресиивa salary. You can order advertising on the Internet, pay for purchases (пурчесис). Paypal asserts that financial information of transfers is not disclosed, which makes Paypal more free (confidential) than a bank account.

Пятый слайд (Why is the company successful?)
The greatest fortunes (греитест форчунс) are earned in those (виоус) areas (эриесof activity that only stand in the initial (инишиал) stage of their development. A vivid example is the successful payment system PayPal, which was created when the prospects of using the Internet for commerce and sending payments were not yet particularly visible. This business idea was so well realized (риалайсд)  that it made its creators one of the richest people in the world.

Reasons for popularity are simple. The company was one of the first and progressed always. The main success (суксесof Paypal - is the very popular online store and auction - ebay. Almost all transactions are conducted (киондактед)  through (фрию) this payment system (Paypal). Now (нау) the turnover (profit) of the company reaches (ричес) $ 17 billion per year. The company employs (имплоис) more than 12,5 (twelve point five)  thousand (фаусендemployees. Paypal is estimated at $ 70.6 billion. The site has more than 199 (one hangret ninety nine) million registered users.

Шестой слайд (минусы)
The company is constantly developing, updating its design. It can be difficult to understand, but Paypal almost has not disadvantages. Perhaps, because of the lack of strong competitors. Some users complain about the commission when paying with (виф) a Paypal card which reaches (ричес3.4%. On the Internet, I found (фаунд)  a few reviews about blocking the account allegedly (аледжедлы without (фидаут) reason. But mostly the reviews are only positive. In my opinion, this is a very convenient company. It is worthwhile (фортвайл) to have an account there.

 That's all. Questions?

Do you have an account
Yes, I have a paypal account, but I use it very rarely. Because rarely buy in online stores.

насколько он безопасен?
Paypay is a trusted brand. Online Stores that use Paypal are considered to be of high quality.