I want to present one of the most popular social networks - Vkontakte.
What is Vkontakte?
VK (Russian - VKontakte, meaning InContact) is the largest European online social media and social networking service. It is available in many different languages and is especially popular among Russian-speaking users. VK allows users to message each other publicly or privately, to create groups, public pages and events, share and tag images, audio and video, and to play browser-based games. It is based in Saint Petersburg.
As of January 2017 (twenty seventeen), the average daily audience is 87 714 854 (eighty seven million seven houndred fourteen thousend eight houndred fifty four) visitors. As of January 2017, VK had at least 410 (four hundred ten) million accounts. VK is the 5th most popular website in the world.
VKontakte was incorporated on 19 January 2007 (january nineteenth two thousend seven) as a Russian limited liability (лайбалы) company. Founder Pavel Durov launched VKontakte for beta testing in September 2006 (two thousend six), having just graduated from St Petersburg State University. The following month, the domain name vkontakte.ru was registered. User registration was initially (инишиали) limited to within university circles exclusively (сирклс екслувелли) by invitation, but the site still grew quickly.
Quite interesting is the history of the name of the website. The founder of social network Vkontakte Pavel Durov in the process of creating the site repeatedly heard on the radio the phrase "Full contact information", which is the time the jingle of the radio station "Echo Moskvy". This fact gave him the idea to call the social network "Vkontakte".
Some offers
As with most social networks, the site's core functionality is based around private messaging and sharing photos, status updates and links with friends. VK also has tools for managing online communities and celebrity pages. The site allows its users to upload, search and stream media content, such as videos and music. VK features an advanced search engine, that allows complex queries for finding friends, as well as a real-time news search. VK updated its features and design on April 2016.
Messaging. VK Private Messages can be exchanged between groups of 1 to 30 (фиорти) people. An email address can also be specified (спесифайд) as the recipient (ресипиент). Each message may contain up to 10 attachments: Photos, Videos, Audio Files, Maps, and Documents.
Communities. VK features two types of communities. Groups are better suited for decentralised (десентралист) communities (for example discussion-boards). Public pages is a news feed orientated broadcasting tool for celebrities and businesses.
Privacy. Users can control the availability (авайлабилити) of their content within the network and on the Internet. Blanket and granular privacy settings are available for pages and individual content.
SMS serves. Russian users can receive and reply to a private messages or leave a comments for community news using SMS.
Interesting facts
1. At the beginning VK was just a application to forum for Sankt Petersburg SPBGU students and alumni of this University
2. Social network Vkontakte in the United States of America considered (консидерт) a pirate (пайрат) website, and the reason is the violation of intellectual property rights around the world.
3. Because the social network is the one most popular and highloaded sites in runet, its visits can be used to make DDoS attacks on smaller sites. VK performed DDOS attacks on certain sites, making users browsers send multiple requests to the target site without their consent.
4. To view all pages of the people who was Vkontakte, will require about one thousand years.
5. The Creator of Vkontakte earned on your invention $260 (ту хандред сиксти) million dollars.
Porn. This is the biggest disadvantage of this social network. Although (олвоут) for someone it may be a plus (плас). VK grants easy access (аксес) to pornographic images (имэджис), video and other such materials which are shared in certain communities. Kaspersky Lab makes the site dangerous to younger users.The administration is constantly receiving complaints about this, and this content is constantly blocked, but it is useless. Policy (полыси) VK is fundamentally different from the policy, such as Facebook.
Unpopular among the Russian-speaking population. If you are not from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and some other countries of the former Soviet Union that you are unlikely to find your friends in this social network. However, you can start a new one. But remember that the majority speaks Russian.
Groups with poor content. In Vkontakte many public groups which promote suicide. It can be concluded that the administration of this social network are not moderates content as it is moderated such as Facebook.Also, there are many groups where prostitutes advertise (адвертайс) themselves (вемселвс).
In General I do not advise to use this social network. Too many bad and too many temptations.
Thank you for attention
Yes it is
Games are, but not so much as in facebook
No I don't have a page there
Yes it is
Games are, but not so much as in facebook
No I don't have a page there